For us, December is a month in which to take stock, a precious moment to see where we’re at with respect to our individual and professional projects and to treasure what we’ve learned during the past year.
Summing up the journey taken with COCREA in 2021 is no easy task.
In our journey of “becoming ourselves”, many individuals and organizations have taken part in our learning process of putting to use all available resources and using the wind that life itself offers in order to go in the desired direction. In fact, there is no bad wind, the question lies uniquely in how to position the sails… and this year we have learned a lot on this subject at COCREA, both collectively and as individuals.
With our wishes for the holidays, we would like to share 3 essential learnings:
1. TRUST IN WHO I AM: more than at any other time, when the outside world becomes uncertain and we perceive everything we have always counted on as fragile, being certain of “who I am” (”who we are”) in an authentic way with what is important to me (us), represents a fundamental personal resource. Learning to depend on such a resource, that is, to rely on an internal resonance, makes a difference both personally and collectively.
2. FREEDOM AND RESPONSIBILITY: you can put both of them at play at any moment of our life: fostering and maintaining a “world” in which survival is the only real dimension, or choose, rather, to contribute to creating a context that you profoundly desire. This is an area where you can put your freedom and responsibility into play and renounce the benefits of being a “victim of the system”.
3. BEING A RESOURCE FOR OTHERS: based on the previous point and thanks to knowing “who you are”, we gain awareness of how we can be a resource for other people and their own process of becoming themselves in realising the results they desire in their life, together with the creation of the context of humanity.
Keeping focused on these points within COCREA and with people and teams from Italy, Switzerland, France, South Africa, Georgia, UK, Denmark, Ukraine, USA, Brazil, Germany, Spain and Egypt, has resulted in a surprisingly robust and profound experimentation of our work that has allowed us to face difficulties and has brought out the uniqueness of all of us..
The emotions of each of us found room to be expressed, recognised and integrated: anger, frustration, sadness, compassion, fear, joy and enthusiasm are the notes that compose the music of our journey.
We look forward to 2022 full of gratitude for the path we’re on and for those who share it with us: a growing ecosystem constantly enriched by new travel companions who are attracted to the possibility of creating a humane context beyond ego and mere survival.
Happy holidays and best wishes for 2022 aligned with our deepest aspirations, both personal and collective.
Cathy, Clement, Fabio, Franco, Laura, Olga, Paola, Roberto, Tatiana