How can we take 100% responsibility for what we want to create?
As it has with many people, Covid-19 has had an impact on us.
We underestimated the problem initially: “it’s just a flu”, “people are panicking”, “we won’t stop our activity”, “we must continue”.
At a certain point, we could no longer ignore the situation: many of our clients, for the most part the international ones, were obliged to suspend their participation in our Personal Mastery Workshop scheduled this week. Reluctantly, we also had to adjust to this force majeure and within just a few days were obliged to cancel a seminar in March and upcoming seminars in South Africa and Georgia.
A feeling of discouragement and concern was manifest: 80% of our turnover originates from abroad and our business model is essentially based on “word of mouth”. Moreover, we find that the top executives who have participated in our Personal Mastery Workshop, later want to continue this participation by involving their teams and organizations, thus ensuring continuity for the development of our organization and the lives of our families as well.
The first step to awareness is learning to recognize when we are in a position of “victim of circumstances”, or “at the mercy of events” as well as feeling anger at the injustice suffered. The second step is beginning to search for a different position, one where we can take full responsibility for what we want to create and by staying connected with our deep aspirations. This is the process we go through every day together with our customers.
So we asked ourselves: how is the Covid-19 crisis, and the enormous uncertainty it is causing, asking us to evolve and to change? What obstacles, beliefs and illusions does it give us an opportunity to transform in order to stay aligned with the contribution we want to make? What are our resistances? What do we struggle to see?
Our greatest resistance is the belief that physical presence is essential in our work. All over the world, we have observed, and experienced, how difficult it is engaging a new mindset and letting go of one’s beliefs about “what the right thing to do is”, especially if these solutions have been successful in the past. In addition, collective resistance hides deeper personal resistances, beliefs about ourselves, about what is possible or reasonable or right.
Evolving ourselves and our mindset may seem easy at first. However, this becomes especially difficult when it is important to do so. It is here where we often encounter hidden resistances that leverage on our emotions, as well as on bodily sensations, whose role has been to “protect us from change” and that have worked in the past.
So we have a new proposal we want to experiment with, with those who want to get involved and who take the decision to work on their resistances with the aim of evolving their mindset.
This is our job: one we have been doing for 30 years. Our new challenge is to do this online with a Personal Mastery seminar from March 30th to April 9th with schedules and costs designed for this particular circumstance.