Creating our life with awareness

A Leadership and Personal Mastery seminar is scheduled to be held online from 22 to 28 November. The seminar will provide us with the opportunity of seeing how our unconscious behaviours hinder us and, in order to achieve what we really want in our personal and professional lives, how to make full use of our qualities and […]

Credits: Giorgio Trovato
Credits Giorgio Trovato

An “empty space” all to your own

To treat yourself with your personal “empty space”, to be caressed and nourished with your dreams, your desires.

What changes is Covid-19 calling upon us to do? What is our resistance?

How can we take 100% responsibility for what we want to create? As it has with many people, Covid-19 has had an impact on us. We underestimated the problem initially: “it’s just a flu”, “people are panicking”, “we won’t stop our activity”, “we must continue”. At a certain point, we could no longer ignore the […]

Prova credits

The role of the leader today

Today a new type of leadership is required: the leader can no longer just plan, control and direct, but his/her is called to become a guide, a coach, a “gardener”, a real catalyst that fosters and nourishes growth, versatility and creativity of his/her own organization, that is a source of inspiration and a point of reference for all company stakeholders, ranging from employees to customers, partners and investors.

How facing the challenge to change

The point is not acquiring ad hoc skills and competences, but changing our mind-set to face every kind of change drawing on our talent and potential.